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Yinuo takes you to see why the traditional forging heating furnace cannot be improved
Release time:2016-10-21      The number of clicks:333

Traditional forging furnaces cannot achieve long-term improvement. What are the main factors? Today we will have a brief chat with everyone

1. Low efficiency

Although my country has an energy law, there are no specific targets for many low-efficiency heating furnaces. They can only waste social resources and pollute the environment.

2. Insufficient economic pressure

Due to the heavy monitoring tasks and other reasons, the environmental protection department first only supervises and monitors nationally controlled pollution sources. For such "small" and "scattered" heating furnaces, law enforcement is not effective or even tolerated by local interests. Forging workshops usually add materials at night to heat up. Therefore, the heating up stage of the cold furnace, which is easy to emit black smoke, is at night when environmental protection is unattended, and even if someone is on duty, it is not clear. The environmental protection department also understands the situation. Most of the processing is to charge a small fine, which is not enough. To create economic pressure.

3. For many years, my country has tried to solve the problem of high energy consumption and high pollution of forging heating furnaces, but there has been almost no progress. The process of using matching gas generators to transform into hot dirty gas or water gas is an unenvironmental and inefficient method. Coal has lost 20%-30% in the process of gasification, and the produced gas is commonly known as "four high and two low" (high moisture, high tar, high dust, high temperature, low calorific value, low pressure). Inferior gas, most manufacturers use this hot dirty gas directly into the furnace for investment considerations. Due to factors such as coal type changes and operation methods, the calorific value fluctuates greatly, and the combustion process cannot be stably burned, and the thermal efficiency is still Very low.

Modern forging heating furnaces use clean energy as fuel. Although the economic benefits are not obvious and the cost and investment are high, it reduces energy consumption and solves pollution problems.

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